So exactly what is "Financial Therapy?"

I work in a very niche field. Ten years ago, after addressing and working though my own troubled relationship with money, I decided I wanted to help others in similar situations. At the time I thought I was the first person who ever made the connection between how attitudes and beliefs impacted financial behavior, and it took me a long time to define my professional path. Early exploration led to social work and getting my MSW, and thereafter I had the good luck to land an amazing partner/employer in The Actors Fund where I was tasked with launching what became our Financial Wellness Program. 

It gives me a great feeling of satisfaction and pride to see how far things have come since those early days. The culture has changed, and I feel like there is an openness and complexity to our post-2008 understanding of money. Wonderful resources like LearnVest and DailyWorth successfully integrate the "softer" elements of financial behavior along with practical advice. 

LearnVest even did a full feature on the field of financial therapy, and I was honored to be interviewed for the piece. This was part of their "10 Questions for..." series. 

So without further ado, "10 Questions for a Financial Therapist!"